mybloglog: a yahoo service?
Is there a race for online domination from the two giant companies, Yahoo! and Google, because it seems to be the trend? Last time that I had checked every online community that I belong to they were still independent sites not under the services of either of the two aforementioned companies. But today, as I logged-in to Mybloglog it's now powered by Yahoo! services, while Photobucket was powered by Google services.
It's not that I'm against the "complete online domination" of the two, hell no, I'm so used to it already, but every time they acquire something, the tedious process of migrating from your previous account to either Yahoo! or Google happens. Can't they just used the same old details of your previous account without deleting your pictures and the like? Just a thought... because Mybloglog deleted my photo and it really irritates me because I need to re-upload it again to that hell of an ajax thingy that always send out errors.
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