WMP11 album art all black out?
Can somebody help me out on this, any IT or microsoft related personnels to assist me.
Last year I updated my Windows Media Player 9 to Windows Media Player 11 with high hopes that it was a better version with new improved features, and my guess wasn't wrong. I had used it up to last month without any problems at all. However, just suddenly when I play a single .mp3 or a .wma file that wasn't stored yet in the library, it's album art would appear to be a little black square similar to the one below.
I don't know what went wrong, but I searched and read a lot of threads already and the same problem occurred with them which dated back last December 2006, and up to now they were being annoyed by the same little black album arts. The only difference, that I had with them was that they were running on Windows Vista Operating System, while the computer I'm using had Windows Xp SP2 as an operating system. More so, they also updated their browsers to Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), while I'm still using the old version IE 6.0.2900.
To add it all up, not only audio files were being affected by this nonsensical black little arts, also the video file that I had. Does any one know how am I going to fix this unknown problem?
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