UAAP Season 70 Cheer Dance Competition
insert *Yawn* here
What can I say? The five times defending champion, University of Santo Tomas, had lost its position to its stiff rival the University of the Philippines. Truth be told, I already had the prediction that the Salinggawi Dance Troupe will fail to bring home the championship, because as what I've seen it, they never inherited the energy and the motivation of the previous cheer dancers who competed with all their strengths. It seems to me, as though, they were over-confident that they could still make it.
It's not that I'm degrading my own home-grown university and the other universities as well, but I felt that most of the competitors had just revived the same old routines previously used for the Nestle Non-Stop Cheer Dance Competition. I think, the Nestle Non-Stop Cheer Dance Competition is a lot better!
With regards to becoming the runner-up for UP, well I have no comment on that. But I do agree with the majority of the protesters.
Edit: Gosh, after fishing the video from youtube I had read a lot of comments or practically invectives from supporters from different universities, and I must admit that most of them are really degrading. It's not that I don't empathize with them for the outcome of the said competition, however, I think, it would be baseless to say that someone or somebody had cheated just to win. What are the use of more than 6 jurors for?
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