Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Was it Worth the Watch?
Was it worth the watch? Seriously do you think it's worth it?
Probably if you're going to side with the book-readers' perceptions then the movie flops, or better yet didn't satisfied what you've been expecting it to be, plainly because of a lot of inconsistencies that were present in the said screen play. However, if you're going to side on the movie-fanatics' perception then you might as well give it a perfect score in IMDB, for it's superb visual effects in the climatic ending at the Ministry of Magic. See the difference now?
Many Harry Potter fans had made huge and extensive reviews for the said movie since its airing on the eleventh of July, and some of which were even posted in IMDB per se. A lot of fans argue on its content and quality that they even flooded the board of IMDB with 922 comments from different individuals and still counting. So how in the world are you going to rate it, if hypothetically you haven't read the book or you just don't even know the movie's existence till you pop inside a theater and it's showing?
Definitely you're going to rate it by what you see! Simple as that. However, you will feel as though the climatic visual effects seems short. Why not longer? Why not darker? Why not more thrilling? Why not more suspenseful? So I think this would be the spice that the book-readers were looking for in the movie. They wanted every important event to be longer, not just a few minutes. They demand more, just to give justice to what they had extensively read and waited for to be portrayed in by real people. These I think were missing to it.
Nonetheless, acting-wise is good, and portrayal of each character was definitely superb, but not all will agree with me if I say that the adaptation of the script is fairly okay. So I say just go and watch it. Do spend some money to splurge on it.
If spoiler to the movie, screen caps, or extensive reviews is what you're after then I recommend you to click the links above, because as of now, my brain is in the process of its long hibernation; and sleep deprivation is taking its toll on me. I shall try to make one when I took some rest.
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