Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: A Review
The Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling, started evidently on the boy who lived (from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone); the boy who had survived a killing curse brought about the most feared Dark Lord. Now, in the last and final book, Deathly Hallows, it had ended from the way it had begun - a back-fired curse.
But how did that happen again? Well if you had read the book you will find out the answer why.
However to those who haven't read it, then sorry to spoil your excitement. It happened because the new wand that Voldemort used to kill Harry again didn't respond to his orders due to the fact that it doesn't won its, the wand, allegiance. Instead, Harry had won its allegiance prior to Voldemort's pursuit to it.
That is the main reason why Harry was not killed by Voldemort's curse, instead it killed its caster.
So far, this is the darkest novel ever written by J.K. Rowling, and the most exciting of them all. The book itself can draw out your emotions, and can stir your imagination vividly. Hence, I totally recommend it to those book lovers out there.
The other things that you will discover by reading the book are as follows:
1. The Horcruxes
2. The Hallows
3. Snape's Loyalty
4. Petunia's Howler
5. Lily Evan's Life and
6. The deaths of the said 2 main characters in the story
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