Outpost: Movie Insight
At first, I thought this movie was about a war, since soldiers were depicted at the very beginning of the said flick, but I was definitely wrong with my initial assumption. It wasn't. Outpost, wasn't about a simple war, but it's about survival, to live up to the very end, and to escape ubiquitous danger that lurks ahead.
Honestly speaking, this was the first movie that made me nauseated rather than utterly scared, because of how brutally things were depicted. Unlike most war oriented and based movies that had explosives in the background, protagonist's nearly escaping death, and vengeance obtaining in the end causing triumphant victory over the oppressors; Outpost, wasn't even that. It wasn't even the typical tell-tale ending as well. What's so scary about this movie was that no protagonist survived, all of them were tortured to their death, and not a single soldier dispatched survived as well.
But really, how can someone escape death when you really don't know the capabilities of your oppressors, much more realizing that you're actually fighting undead people from a certain defunct military regime? Their unpreparedness towards the unknown realms that they had entered caused them to risked their lives one by one, until all of them had perished prior to the arrival of the military support they had even requested. How did they end up? Some of the soldiers were nailed together in the head and were exposed to their comrade, the other one strangled to death until his eyes and brain popped out of him, while the other was stabbed multiple times until no area of his body was recognizable.
This is one hell of a scary movie that isn't recommendable to viewing public with heart ailment or other related illnesses. Much more it isn't really recommendable to those romantic type viewers, since they might just close their players and hide beneath the couch half expecting some undead experimented military officers barging through their doors with a blink of an eye. But if you do have a lot of gut and courage then maybe you could try watching the movie.
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