Paolo Serrano's Publicity flicks
Publicity is still publicity be it negative or not, hence a star or starlet's scandalous yet at times, visually stimulating erotic exhibitionism could stir people's interest to grab a piece of what is being served. This is an ailment that cannot be easily mended despite every treatment and prevention.
But why do a lot of stars and quasi-stars (e.g. Paolo Serrano) alike end up using such salacious schemes to attract attention? The answer to such question is way to complex that it covers a lot of covert factors that needed to be tackled separately. Nonetheless, putting it in simpler terms, such action can be generalized as "for publicity's sake."
Publicity, if it isn't the primary factor for an actor to succeed, might be second only to acting skills, abilities and expertise. Hence even if an actor was blessed with such superb talents but exposure isn't enough, how can the actor become a house-hold name? His efforts in perfecting his craft just ends up in futility, and no actor would like to step out of the spotlight they had grown to love and be used to. Thus, others resort to exposing a lot of skin or worst baring it all for public to look at.
In a few instances actors who had exposed their skin, but left something for the imagination, were the ones that were sought after by the viewers. Their career change paved way to a lot of opportunities which included mature roles they never had any experience with. But what about some quasi-stars a.k.a. starlets like Paolo Serrano?
Paolo Serrano's videos, as one might put it, exposed everything that should be left for the imaginative mind to recreate. The videos per se was like a buffet, almost everything was served to the delightful and drooling audience but the dessert wasn't included which caused viewers to crave some more, to satisfy their appetites. Or better yet, putting it in a more convenient way, an almost half boiled water served for coffee.
But how was such scandalous flicks leaked over the internet? The only answer I could give was that some perfidious person he had confided with, to bare and to play himself to gratification, had not been honest from the very beginning of their online escapade, and started capturing everything that had happened without consent from the latter person, which in this case is Paolo Serrano.
However could this be called publicity? Yes, and it's a negative one on behalf of the said quasi-star. But, as most entertainment writers say "negative publicity is better than no publicity at all." Well, we'll just wait until he gives out his official statement, that is if he is willing to really give a statement.
Anyway, I also heard that he's selling his services to women with whom who were able to pay him accordingly. Don't know how much he charge but as far as I heard the strategic location always appears to be in QC area.
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