How to get over Piolo Pascual?
How to get over Piolo Pascual?
This is one of the few keywords that my site receives, though for a fact that I only feature him once on this site. With all honesty, I can't help but smirk on how simple minded the searcher had been when using the internet. Yes, internet provides a lot of answers to the simplest even up to the complex question a human mind could produce. However with such question as of above, I don't know.
Anyway, the first thing that comes to my mind was why did the searcher seek answer to such trivial, and at times far fetched question. Was she or he even personally or intimately related to the star, Piolo Pascual, or was he or she just a fan, falling out to be completely obsessed with him?
Whatever his or her reasons were, getting completely over with someone is difficult, especially if the person you wish to get over isn't even related to you; as of the case of the searcher with Piolo. Who wouldn't even fall completely in love with such an irresistable lad?
Anyway, since the question was how not to lose someone's sanity over Piolo, the first thing that this person need to do was to accept the fact that he or she had a feeling not reciprocated. Since the said feeling isn't reciprocated, don't go over board to find acceptance by stalking, just stop there and think hard and ask was it worth it to love someone who isn't loving you back?
Second, if you still can't avoid thinking about Piolo, do something worth while to stop yourself from being compulsive. Relax and do yoga, or read something not Piolo related. Never search for anything that is associated with him.
Third, since Piolo is a star, don't fantasize about him, even if you're watching his shows. If you can't help yourself, then stay away from the television or any Piolo related things.
Lastly, if all else fails seek professional help, a psychologist perhaps, that can help you sort out your behavior problem.
Again let me recapitulate, acceptance is the key to fully remove the burden you might feeling towards someone. Stop thinking about the person or better yet stop dragging yourself to worry too much about that person. Do something worth while with your time and lastly, seek professional services. Now that those are said, I do hope I'd shed something helpful to your troubled mind, and I do hope you won't end up being an obsessed stalker.