A Series of Unfortunate Events: Bad Beginning, Insight
When bad luck strikes, it strikes! But I had never imagined that it would strike successively that it could cause a series of very unfornate events not just for a single individual, but for three children.
As the title itself had state, this book is truly a series of unfortunate events that had started in a bad beginning and likewise will end that way. More so the author has no intention, whatsoever, in making this book something that will enlighten someone's soul due to profound joy, but instead it serves to be an eye opener that harsh things do exist at the onset of losing someone special to you.
With all honesty, the book per se is good to read, despite its despressing nature, because for once a reader can actually read a sad story without making him or herself cry, or even languish at the fact that the the children depicted in the book needed some emotional support which doesn't exists at all. It's a good read because there is no emotional attachments associated on how it was written. I mean writing it in third person, or narrator's point of view surely helped lessen the chances of depicting the true emotions of the charaters that were being described. Moreover it's written simply for easy understanding devoid of any personal associations on the part of the reader.
But is the sad book recommendable? I doubt this book is recommendable for the public to read. As its first line suggests this book isn't about happy endings, hence if your not into it, then don't read it.
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