Nokia N Series Serious Flaw!
I had heard before from my best friend that the Nokia N series distributed over the market had serious flaws and bugs associated to it that’s why he didn’t acquired one of its releases, instead he chose another brand of cell phone, Sony Ericsson. I actually didn’t believe him for what he had said about the serious flaws he had pointed out to me because I had my trust and confidence on the company itself, and the products that they launch over the market. Besides, Nokia is a user-friendly phone and only Nokia had a shop dedicated to spare parts if ever your phone goes haywire in this country. But now, I think, my best friend was right with regards to his assumption that the said N series had major flaws and bugs included in it, because I myself experienced it with my own phone right at my very nose.
Look who’s eating the words they’d said, right?
I had doubt my best friend and now what I’m suffering for one of those problems he had pointed out against the phone that I had selected. Okay, my parents selected for me, but hey, it’s still user-friendly, classy, functional and hold-up friendly too.
But what problem did I experience while using one of the Nokia N series? I think to give you a little idea, if you’re also using the N series, head over to the Nokia forums or even some online internet forums that discusses in their board how to fix problems associated to the type of cell phone you’re using, the same problem that I experienced is always present there, and the same quasi-solution is always provided there.
Anyway, my cell phone problem occurred after 3 months of using it. My cell phone was not detected by the computer (Windows XP Sp2 operating system) while it was plugged in using the free USB cord the cell phone model provided. I thought it was just the USB slot that had the problem because a few of the USB slots in the computer had been faulty to a point, inactive, hence I used the remaining USB slots but the results stay the same. The USB device is not recognizable by the Windows XP operating system no matter what I do, even if I restarted the computer and restarted and re-plugged the cell phone the same thing occurs; the device is not recognizable.
I thought I only had this weird problem, but my brother who uses the same phone as I also experiences the same problem that I had been facing. To be honest, he was the first one to experience the difficulty in synchronizing the N series cell phone’s content from the phone and memory card to the computer itself. Hence, I looked at possible explanations and possible answers to the root cause of the said problem, but all I get was canned responses from different persons that:
So I did, steps 1-5 and I was successful as of the moment, and my N series phone was detected by the computer itself. Hence I was able to get the necessary file that I created within the phone’s memory card. I had plugged the same phone on another computer to test whether it’s still detectable by Windows and so far it was still detectable, not until I managed to plug the phone of my brother that the same symptom arose again.
Maybe, I should do the last and remaining step to go to Nokia care center to let their technicians delve into the matter at hand. But I doubt whether they will really fix it, maybe they’ll just look at it and state that there isn’t any problem with the unit and charge me with the consultation fee. Or worst they will replace the phone and if ever I had arrived at home the same scenario might exist. I just don’t know whether this last option is best, since after the months that I had used this phone I had never dropped it once, hence I think they will never replace anything inside it. Anyway, I’m just going to try again the same steps from 1-5 and maybe it will work again, and I’m crossing my fingers to this.
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