Badmouthing and backstabbing people, be it someone you barely knew, is the worst emotional violation that someone could inflict on somebody, hence if given the chance to rectify the situation legally why would someone blew it away? This is my own opinion on the Sam Milby, Piolo Pascual and Lolit Solis controversy that spanned for more than a month now. It's such a shame that both actors had agreed not to continue the libel case filed against the latter person after retracting her malicious statement for her article, because who would teach her a lesson if she's not even punished for what she had done.
Below is the SMS or text message of Ms. Dylim stating that Lolit Solis had signed the statement of retraction for her published malicious article.
Text message ni Ms. Dylim:
"Gud pm. Just came fr mla city hall. Ms. Lolit sgd her statement of retraction— There s no factual basis for my article, wch came out on oct 12 2007. I am extremely sori for dragging d names of sam en piolo. SAM, PIOLO, I AM SORI FOR D HURT EN EMBARASMENT I CAUSED. Separate undertaking, no mor talkng abt sam en piolo or ths incident. With this, piolo and sam sgd an afidavit of desistance. [Good evening. Just came from Manila City Hall. Ms. Lolit signed her Statement of Retraction—There is no factual basis for my article, which came out on October 12, 2007. I am extremely sorry for dragging the names of Sam and Piolo. Sam, Piolo, I am sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I caused. Separate undertaking, no more talking about Sam and Piolo or this incident. With this, Piolo and Sam signed an Affidavit of Desistance.]"
To be honest, I definitely don't agree that they (Sam and Piolo) actually discontinue their case because the latter person would definitely repeat what she had caused - to tarnish people's reputation. Besides even if she retracted the said published statement, the thing is, it still had reached the public and their reputations are clearly stained by malice, and not a single retraction could ever change the fact that the said statement had caused people to doubt their sexuality more so to typecast them as closet homosexuals.
Source:Philippine Entertainment Portal
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